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Meet Mike Chatas - SVP & Chief Lending Officer

Meet Mike Chatas - SVP & Chief Lending Officer

Ann Arbor admirer, Petoskey stone collector, fly fishing expert

Mike Chatas has lived in Ann Arbor for over 40 years and has enjoyed every minute of it! He loves living in a university town and frequently attends various sporting events and musical entertainment programs offered by the University of Michigan.

His wife, Amy is also involved in the Ann Arbor community and works for two local entrepreneurs. Mike’s favorite pastime is watching or attending UM football, basketball, or hockey games. Another joy in his life is his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Henry, who loves nothing more than to sit on his lap while he works at his desk or enjoys a good TV show. 

Mike takes in Michigan’s beauty in his spare time. He loves to enjoy the great outdoors and go fly fishing whenever he can. Polishing Petoskey stones he finds along the shores of Michigan’s beautiful beaches, brings him great joy.

Mike firmly believes that Bank Michigan is a great place for prospective business owners, and for him. He enjoys helping people acquire and ultimately own their business. He appreciates that Bank Michigan focuses on one-to-one interaction and personalized experiences to create stronger businesses for the future. Bank Michigan is not only about providing support through funding but also with guidance, experience, and industry expertise. Mike values being able to utilize these perks that Bank Michigan offers and assist clients in realizing their dreams, goals, and objectives.

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